

Knowledge, tips, recipes, fun, and more!

The 7 Best Holiday Activities to Celebrate the Season

The 7 Best Holiday Activities to Celebrate the Season

The holidays are a time of celebration, gratitude, and togetherness. It’s the perfect time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend quality time with loved ones. Whether you’re celebrating with family or friends, there are plenty of ways to make the most of…
Safety Tips for Older Drivers

Safety Tips for Older Drivers

To those who are more seasoned on the road, driving has become second nature. However, our bodies and reflexes change as we age, and even the most experienced drivers face new challenges. Senior drivers have unique safety concerns and should take certain precautions to ensure they stay safe on the…
How to Prevent a Kitchen Fire

How to Prevent a Kitchen Fire

Whether you’re a student living in dorms or a young professional living in your own apartment, you’ll likely be spending more time in the kitchen. While cooking is exciting and fulfilling, it can also pose a danger, particularly if you’re not careful. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), cooking accidents…
Meet our Veterans - Mercedes Enriquez

Meet our Veterans - Mercedes Enriquez

“I’ve got Lopez!” One Marine shouted. “Dibs on Little Lopez!” Another exclaimed. It was time for the Marine’s customary fireman carry drill, where the soldiers had to hoist a partner onto their shoulders and transport them over a long distance. Mercedes Lopez-Ponciano, now Mercedes Enriquez, was a 5-foot-nothing young woman,…
5 Tips to Prevent Gas Theft

5 Tips to Prevent Gas Theft

After a long day of work or a road trip, nothing is worse than returning to your car and realizing that someone has siphoned the fuel from your gas tank. Gas theft is a common problem for drivers, leaving them frustrated and violated. Not only does it cost money to…
5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

5 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween is the spookiest time of the year, but it’s not just humans who like to dress up and join in on the festivities. Pets love Halloween, too! But with all the excitement, Halloween can be a hazardous time for your furry friend. From toxic treats to pet costumes that…
8 Tips for Handling a Car Accident

8 Tips for Handling a Car Accident

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of being a driver. No matter how safe a driver you are, you can still end up in a collision. The experience can be distressing and overwhelming, but staying calm and acting quickly is important. In this blog post, we’ll share tips to help…
25 Kids Halloween Costume Ideas for 2023

25 Kids Halloween Costume Ideas for 2023

Halloween is a time for spooky fun, candy, and, of course, costumes! With so many recent movies and characters to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide on a costume for your child. As a parent, you want to make sure your child not only looks amazing but also…
7 Things to Do After Moving into a New Home

7 Things to Do After Moving into a New Home

Moving into a new home is an exciting and overwhelming experience. There are so many things to do and consider, from unpacking your boxes and arranging your furniture to updating your mailing address and setting up your utilities. But before you start decorating, it is important to prioritize a few…
What to Pack in Your RV Emergency Kit

What to Pack in Your RV Emergency Kit

As a driver, having a reliable emergency kit is a must-have for both safety and peace of mind. But when you’re hitting the open road in an RV, packing the right essentials for any situation can be incredibly daunting. Whether you’re a seasoned road warrior or a first-time RV owner,…

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