
Buying a House? Here is How to Determine if it is Right for You & Your Family

When it comes to house hunting, it’s one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking activities you can undertake. Because choosing the place you will call home is a massive step, you want to make sure the house suits your needs. Certain indications can help reveal if a particular home is right for you.

Read on for signs that will help you determine if a house is right for you and your family!

The House Fits Your Requirements

Make sure the house fits your needs. If you are in the market for a 3-bedroom home, and the one you are viewing has only 2, consider a compromise very carefully. Since it is such a large investment, housing should fit the specific requirements of you and your family.

An aesthetically pleasing home that does not fit your needs can lead to buyer’s remorse. So it is essential to differentiate between what you require in a home and what would be nice to have. Talk to a real estate agent about your needs and constraints, and don’t waver from your minimum requirements! For an example of a house requirement checklist, check out this home hunter’s checklist template.

The House Fits Within Your Monthly Budget

Financial experts tend to agree that your total housing costs per month should not be over 30% of your budget. So when it comes to choosing a house, all your monthly expenses need to be taken into account, including all items outside a potential mortgage or rental payment. You don’t want to end up being over-leveraged on a home. Make sure to run an estimate on utilities, insurance policies, and Homeowner’s Association (HOA) costs to ensure the house is within your budget, and ask the agent about any other atypical costs that might come with a home in that particular area.

The Price Tag Won’t Take Up All of Your Savings

You will want to have extra funds saved when in the housing market—utilities, repairs, and unforeseen costs that arise will require additional money. The perfect house for you will not drain all your savings, and you should still be financially comfortable. Make sure to have a thorough inspection of the home to check roofing, plumbing, electric, and ventilation system issues that might add to the house’s price tag. 

It Has Multiple Exit Strategies

Having multiple uses for your home is an important consideration. Can you rent rooms in the house if you need to, or make it a vacation rental? Having multiple strategies for a potential home is a good idea in case of unforeseen circumstances.

You Are Drawn to the House

It’s always a good sign when you are drawn to the viewing photos of a house and eager to tour it. When you evaluate the pictures of the house, be sure to consider both the aesthetic and functional perspectives. If you are drawn to a home based on its functionality and look, you are headed in the right direction.

You Get Excited About the House

The way a house makes you feel is just as important of a consideration as the location, price, and layout. Pay attention to your emotions when you are touring homes—is there an instant connection? Do you feel relaxed? When you find yourself noticing a homey feel, you might be on the right track to discovering your new home. If a house feels like home when you are viewing it, don’t discount that!

You Have a Gut Feeling

Instinct has a lot to do with knowing a house is right for you. Homeowners recount that they knew a place was perfect for them through a gut feeling, so if your instincts tell you a house should become your home, lean into it! Plus, if you find yourself feeling possessive over the place, that is a good indicator of an excellent fit.

The House is in an Area You Like

No matter how lovely a house might be, it won’t be a good fit if you don’t like the location. Take a walk around the neighborhood to get a feel for the vibe and the people in the area. Additionally, keep your ears peeled for any unwanted noise sources, such as a busy freeway or construction racket, when touring the house and surrounding area—constant noise can get on your nerves swiftly.

It’s in a Safe Place

Especially if you have a family or children, you will want to ensure that your new house is in a safe location. Crime rates, cleanliness, and other considerations all impact the decision on whether the place is right for you. To check out safety stats and instances of crime, try specialist websites like these for more information on the neighborhood. Additionally, keep in touch with how you feel in the house and the area—feeling safe and secure is essential to finding your perfect home.

The House is Convenient for Your Everyday Life

Keep your daily routine in mind when looking for a house. Commuting routes, shopping locations, and family proximity are all crucial considerations. Ideally, your home should be close enough to work, school, or other activities and locations that your family frequents.

There Are No Deal-Breakers

You will likely have to compromise on some aspects of a new house, as no home is a perfect specimen, but the ideal place will not have any deal-breakers. Don’t compromise on your list of non-negotiables, and identify what you can and cannot live with for an extended period. A home is a massive purchase, so make sure that nothing is glaringly wrong with the house to avoid buyer’s remorse!

It Has Flexible Storage Capacity

A house might have enough room to accommodate all your belongings now, but you want to ensure that it has flexible storage for any additional items that come under your roof as your family grows. When viewing properties, check for space that can be transformed into shelving or expanded into cupboards and wardrobes. Under stairways is a great place to expand storage, and a house with a basement or crawlspace storage is definitely a plus.

There is Available Parking

Of course, location is a determining factor in parking availability, but ample parking space is a bonus for house hunters. It might not seem like a big deal, but any drivers in your family would appreciate a convenient parking location. Covered parking is also a plus, especially in Texas, where there has been an abundance of hail lately and extreme temperatures.

Transit Links Aplenty

If you frequently use public transport, choosing a house within close proximity to transit stops is essential. Convenient access to transit makes your commute easier, whether you are headed to work, school, or running errands!

You Can Picture Yourself in the House

One of the best ways to determine if a house is right for you is to picture yourself living there. If you can easily envision your furniture and personal items filling up the rooms, your favorite flowers in the garden beds, and your family and pets in the space, it is a good sign. During viewings, if you find yourself thinking about how you’ll set up the bedroom for your kids or what color to paint that dining room accent wall, the house may be perfect for you!

It Becomes the Standard

Sometimes, you will have to view many homes before finding the perfect one for you. But if you find yourself comparing other viewings to a particular home you toured, that is a pretty good indication that it’s a good fit. Perhaps you liked the house initially but still wanted to see what else the market had to offer—but once you find yourself referring to that particular home repeatedly, it might be “the one”!

The House Fits Your Future

More than the immediate future, the right house for you will be a perfect fit for the long term. If you can see your family growing with the home and being comfortable in it for years to come, it might be the right house for you. Make sure the house meets the criteria that will accommodate what you envision your future to be.

The House Has Potential

Even if the house has checked off most of your requirements, you will likely find some areas to compromise on. But make sure to ask yourself—is there potential in the house to resolve some of these compromises over time? Renovations and repairs can go a long way to fixing up areas of a home, but how much work and money are you willing to put into it? If it has potential and your willing to make the changes, the house could be a good fit for you. Keep in mind that aesthetic modifications are generally more manageable than structural or functional ones.

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